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Gemeinsame Trauer um einen Verstorbenen. Rotfigurige Grabvase, um 440 v. Chr. (Foto: Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek)

What remains of the end - death and remembrance in Greece

23 March to 27 October in the Pompejanum | The special exhibition shows vases and other burial objects from the holdings of the Munich State Collections of Antiquities.

Kunsthalle Jesuitenkirche Aschaffenburg

Biotop Art Brut.

From 28.9.2024 to 9.2.2024, works from the Hannah Rieger Collection can be seen in the exhibition "Biotope Art Brut" in the Kunsthalle Jesuitenkirche Aschaffenburg.

Franz Marc „Ruhende Pferde“

The Animal in the Art of Expressionism

An exhibition at the Kirchnerhaus Museum from 21.9.2024 to 19.1.2025 presents the differentiated perceptions of the animal and its stylistic implementation by the artists of the "Brücke", the "Blaue Reiter" and other Expressionist artists.

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